It is important for commercial businesses to have image strategies within their sales promotions. An original image is important, this sets apart a commercial from its competitors. Based on this image: customized sales promotions can be forged, and in-turn the original image is strengthened. With this well constructed original image, a commercial business’s power to attract a strong clientele base is strengthened. By making the commercial business’s image strategy clear, our company is able to develop a variety of appropriate promotions in the form of events and entertainment, based on a unified concept.
Sales promotion to increase repeatersIncreasing continuous repeat customers is a crucial factor for project success.
In the sales promotion plan, it is important to install in customers a desire to connect with the commercial facility's image and become a repeater, not just a visitor drawn in due to transient events.
Based on our long experience, our staff are able to personalize and tailor effective sales promotion plans for all commercial facilities.